Worshiping With Us


Worship with us!

Sunday Morning Service 9:30 a.m

Nursery/Sunday School provided for children from infancy-5th grade


When you come to visit you can expect…

To be greeted with warm kind and friendly smiles and words of welcome. We want all to feel comfortable and at home with our family of faith as we journey together to discover the mystery and wonder of God and the passion and love of Jesus Christ. After we have a coffee fellowship time. It is a great time to be able to meet new friends and enjoy each other’s company.

Where do I park…

We have a small parking lot in the back of our church, street parking, and if that is all full you can park in the bank lot across the street from the church next to the 7-Eleven store.

I want to know more about United Methodists…

No problem! Click {here} for some more info!